Route Notes:
- Minimum altitude: no minimum ... suggested 1000 feet.
- Direct Routing: If the weather is favorable, you may fly from
Vallenar Point, the direct heading is 239 and the distance is
24 miles.
- Landing zone: water only, does not freeze in winter
- Download and install Goose Bay Cabin from Misty Moorings.
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Goose Bay Cabin
Goose Bay Cabin is located on Prince of Wales Island. A fine dock
for fishing, parking your boat or your float plane. There's ground
transportation available at the site. This facility is located in
Polk Inlet coming off the southwest arm of Kassan Bay. The cabin
has a large barn and comes with an SUV so you can drive around the
area and explore.
TreeTop VFR Plan
From: Ketchikan International
To: Goose Bay Cabin
1. Fly a heading of about 295 northwest up the center of the
Tongass Narrows to Vallenar Point.
... Fly up the Tongass Narrows passing to starboard Ward Cove, Totem
... Higgins Point is the last point of land to the starboard side
of the Narrows.
... Vallenar Point is the last point of land on the port side of
the Narrows.
... you will see the small Guard Islands just off the Vallenar point
and the Guard Lighthouse about 3 miles ahead out in the Clarence
2. Over Vallenar Point, set a heading of 244 for the Skoal Point
marine light, 15 miles ahead.
... the Patterson Islands will pass under your port wing in
about 11 miles ahead.
... as you pass over the Patterson Islands, Skoal Point is three
miles ahead
... the Skoal Point navigation marker is about 1/4 mile to the starboard
of Skoal Point.
... the navigation marker is at the entrance of the Skoal Arm, we
will be flying up the center of this channel.
3. Over the Skoal navigation marker, set a heading of 242 to
the entrance of the Polk Inlet, 5.5 miles ahead.
... Saltery Cove will pass to port, followed by Kahyyam Point
... McKenzie Inlet passes by to port
... we are heading for Polk Inlet, straight ahead
... there is a large round island to the starboard side of the arm
... this is the entrance to the Polk Inlet.
4. As you enter Polk Inlet, you will find it gently curves to
port, follow it until the inlet comes to a heading of 270.
... Little Goose Bay is the inlet at 11 o'clock as you fly down
the inlet.
... when the inlet comes to a heading of 270, begin to get into
landing configuration. Goose Bay Cabin is 3 miles at 11 o'clock
5.When you are at 270, turn left to 130 into Goose Bay
... The cabin will be directly in front of you at a distance of
two miles.
To return direct: Fly a heading of 057 for 21 miles to cross
over Vallenar Point
Doug Linn
Charter Manager
Misty Moorings, Inc.