Route Notes:
- Minimum altitude: no minimum ... suggested 1000 feet.
- Direct Routing: If the weather is favorable, you may fly a heading
from Higgins Point of 342 for 46 miles, not altitudes of more
than 3300 will be necessary.
- Landing zone: steel runway and water, water does not freeze
in the winter
- Scenery needed: Bradfield Fisheries, available from Misty Moorings,
Inc. (Real Estate Page)
- Click [here] for printer-friendly
Bradfield Fisheries
A fisheries, canning processing plant and shipping point located
up on the Bradford Channel. It is a bout 45 miles from Ketchikan
flying direct, which saves quite a bit of time. It is about twice
that far flying TreeTop VFR. With the weather as it usually is,
it is safer to fly Treetop
Treetop VFR Plan
From: Ketchikan International
To: Bradfield Fisheries
1. Fly a heading of about 286 northwest up the center of the
Tongass Narrows for about 5 miles to Vallenar Point.
...you will see ward cove off starboard, with the paper mill
...the furthest point of land to your left is Vallenar Point. Adjust
to fly over it.
2. As you fly over Vallenar Point, set a heading of 288 for 6
miles to Caamino Point.
...As you approach Caamino Point, fly to the left of the point as
you are going to go up the west shore of the peninsula.
3. At Caamino Point, follow the coastline north on a heading
of approximately 283 for 10 miles to tiny Ship Island.
... You will pass over Niblack Point about 6 miles ahead as you
fly up this coast.
... Continue over Niblack Point, straight ahead and watch for Ship
Island, about 5 miles ahead. The coastline is curving back to the
... Ship Island is a very tiny island that has a marine light on
it, head for the marine light.
4. Over Ship Island, set a heading of 318 for Lemesuir Point,
ten miles ahead.
... You will pass by Myers Chuck off your right wing and pass
over Misery Island near the point.
note: If the visibility is good, you may simply follow the coastline
as it turns toward the north not flying over Lemesuir Point.
5. Over Lemesiur Point, set a heading of 356 for Deer Island
ten miles ahead. Steer for the left of Deer Island to Kuakan Point.
... You are now flying into the Ernest Sound with Union Bay
to your right. Up the coast from Union Bay is Union Point, a unique
little peninsula on the the starboard coast 4 miles away.
... About 7 miles from you last waypoint, you will fly over Westerly
... As you approach the "left" shore of Deer Island, the
Niblack Islands will pass by your left wing. Steer to fly up the
"left" coast of Deer Island.
... the first point of land on Deer Island is "Fool's Creek",
steer to fly over that toward the next point which is Kuakan Point
4 miles ahead. This is the north point of Deer Island.
6. At Kuakan Point, set a heading of 356 to fly up the Bradford
Canal to Warde Point, 6 miles ahead.
... Warde Point juts out from the starboard shore. You are going
to cross over Ward Point and bear to the right up the Bradford Canal.
7. Over Warde Point, set a heading of 036 for 4 miles to continue
to fly up the Bradford Canal to Duck Island.
... The Bradford Canal bends to starboard, follow it staying to
the center of the canal.
... Duck Island will show up near the center of the Canal, steer
to fly over it.
... as you near Duck Island, look off your right wing to see the
beautiful Eagle River.
8. At Duck Island, set a heading of 021 (back to the left) and
begin your decent for the runway at the fishery.
... watch for a navigation light, the runway will be 1 mile from
that navigation marker off to your right, a heading of 059.
To return direct to Ketchikan, fly a heading of 167 for 48 miles
to Higgins Point (at the north end of the Tongass Narrows). Note
there are mountains on this direct route, about 3400 feet rather
near the fishery. Make sure you have sufficient altitude before
flying direct back to Ketchikan.
Doug Linn
Charter Manager
Misty Moorings, Inc